The expedition to Rudawy Janowickie

Skalnik 945 m n.p.m.

Skalnik 945 m n.p.m.

The spontaneous trip with a large dose of positive energy. We came back in the Rudawy Janowickie. The last time it rained, and this time it was beautiful, intense and interesting. Listen …


Route: Czarnów ? Rozdroże pod Bobrzakiem ? Ostra Mała ? Czarnów
Distance: 5,9 km
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Graphs: Przewyższenia

We got there late in the afternoon, but early enough to safely catch the sunset. After a quick regrouping we went to Ostra Mała. Inputs to the vantage point guard Horses of the Apocalypse [ photo ], proudly straining muscles. The cloudless sky was the perfect stage for performances, which decided to pay us our star. Landscape bathed in the sun [ photo ] satisfied our needs that day completely 😉


Route: Czarnów ? Ostra Mała ? SKALNIK ? Wołek ? Skalny Most ? Zamek Bolszów ? Przeł. Karpnicka ? PTTK Szwajcarka ? Krzyżna Góra ? Karpniki ? Bukowiec ? Ostra Mała ? Czarnów
Distance: 40,8 km
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Graphs: Przewyższenia

The night was warm and clear, and we will efficiently and quickly climbed the Ostra Mała to make it to the east. Again, the cloudless sky was adorned with the sun [ photo ], creating a picturesque scenery. We sat up for a long time, enjoying the beautiful view [ photo ]. Wandering on the trail led us roads and forest paths [ photo ], to finally reach the ruins of the Castle Bolczów [ photo ]. It was a family mansion knights of the fourteenth century Boliców When its construction was used numerous granite rocks, sometimes reaching 20 m in height. The ruins are amazing atmosphere and had a great impression on us [ photo ]. Being in the area definitely worth a visit.
The sun was getting stronger, every bit of shade was at a premium. After regenerating the hostel we went to a vantage point located on Górze Krzyżna From the top the views are spectacular [ photo ] and a sense of space… Unfortunately, we failed to implement all plans today. The heat pouring from the sky, and miles of trail asphalt roads, effectively deprived us of power.


Route: Czarnów ? Bukowiec ? Poznań
Distance: 6,4 km
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Graphs: Przewyższenia

What I failed yesterday, completed today. Trudy yesterday has already gone into oblivion and new energy went to the palace and park in Bukowiec. Walk through the romantic landscape park was a real pleasure [ photo ]. The team of several ponds, beautifully developed space and numerous architectural elements provide an unforgettable experience. Very climatic place is the circle of Druids, or popularly called the temple of Athena Tea Room [ photo ]. It was the perfect ending to the whole trip [ photo ].


June 10, 2014 · Posted in Trips to Poland

2 Responses to “The expedition to Rudawy Janowickie”

  1. Mariolka on June 10th, 2014 20:37:54

    Tego nam właśnie było trzeba, spontanicznego wyjazdu żeby naładować akumulatory.

  2. Jarek on June 11th, 2014 20:56:38

    No cóż czytając o tej wyprawie i o kilku poprzednich w których niestety nie uczestniczyłem, przekonuję się jak wiele jest jeszcze w Polsce miejsc do odkrycia. Na zdjęciach można podziwiać piękne Polskie lasy oraz rzeźbę terenu urozmaiconą zbudowanymi przez człowieka ciekawymi obiektami.

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